February's Desktop Wallpaper Download

Hello February, and Happy Lunar New Year!
I can’t believe we are already a month into 2022. I announced a planned vacation mid-December via email and social media with the intention of returning mid-January, but as one week rolled into another, I found myself enjoying the social media free time so much, and noticed how much easier it was for me to focus on some much-needed behind-the-scenes work. So, I decided to extend my absence for the whole month of January.
Now, I feel refreshed and ready for this year. The past six weeks allowed me to go deep into my business aspirations and inspirations. But I’m getting ahead of myself! I’ll fill you in on that next time :)Let’s talk about this year’s desktop calendar project!
In case you’re not familiar, I send a monthly desktop calendar out in my email newsletter. Last year we had a birthday flower theme- which led to a birthday card collection (which you can see here).
I asked whether subscribers would rather see pattern goodness or seascapes for 2022, and the feedback was that seascapes were the preferred option. After lots of musing and perusing my thankfully abundant collection of seascape photographs, taking time to create a mood board of color and image inspiration, and considering the business mission and values work I was doing simultaneously, I found myself being drawn to some particular photos of Cabrillo State Park that I took a few years ago.
I began to develop the idea of using the monthly desktop calendars to focus on some of our protected California marine areas, like Cabrillo. Taking the idea a little deeper:
Our planet is our ultimate home- a refuge just as supportive and necessary (maybe more?) as the built environments we live in.
Much of my work is inspired by nature and the ocean and the need to preserve and protect these wild places. I hope to raise awareness of these beautiful environments so that more people remember how important they are to our well-being and are inspired to care for them, and also to be able to offer financial support by donating a portion of sales to organizations working to protect our oceans and fight climate change.
So here we are- the first stop on our California coastal journey in paintings made into artful desktop calendars.
I hope it brightens your days all month long!Download it here.
Oh, and in case you were wondering- if not for my time off, January would have taken us to the Tijuana Slough- the first Marine Protected Area this side of the US/Mexico border. That painting will have to make its debut later on, maybe as part of a wall calendar or art print? Please let me know if there is a specific product you would like to see. I love, love, love getting feedback like that.